Clinical Hypnotherapy
Hypnotherapy can be such a powerful tool for change, that the typical length of time a client visits can be between 1 to 4 sessions. It can also be used regularly to boost confidence and performance issues around sports performance or in preparation for public speaking. This is because effective change starts at the first session, and subsequence sessions are intended to support those changes through time. Typical issues clients have come to me to help address include:
weight management
stop smoking
Self confidence
Panic attacks/anxiety
Exams/driving tests
Phobias or fears
Low mood
Stress management

smoking cessation
Imagine an end goal where you are not a 'non-smoker', you actually have no focus on smoking at all - it has 'disappeared' from your life. With the Smoking Cessation Package I offer, this is our end goal. I take your decision and commitment to stop smoking seriously. I recommend 3 sessions - primarily the second two sessions enable us to continue to support your subconscious in discovering new helpful habits, as you continue not smoking after the first session. Ironically, in order to make smoking 'disappear' from your life - prior to the first session we need to focus closely on your individual habits. So when you are ready to commit, call me, and download the questionnaire and get started now!
weight management
Establish new, stronger habits to enable you to control your weight (whether that is reduction or you wish to put weight on). The benefits of using hypnotherapy, means that we powerfully combine conscious habit changes with work on a deeper subconscious level. I often hear of the frustration when those conscious habits fail, and there sometimes may be deeper reasons, perhaps past ideas around weight, or self esteem issues, holding a client back. Powerful and simple hypnotherapeutic techniques can help free a client from the past, and I will work with you as a hypnotherapist and counsellor for your desired change. Get started now - download 10 Weight Management Questions - or simply email me now to make your appointment.
Fear of Flying, visiting the Dentist, undergoing Injections, Spiders, Cats or Dogs. If what you are experiencing is any kind of exaggerated fear, over which you feel you have no control over - then Hypnotherapy can help. It may be your mind made unhelpful associations through a past event, and, like a piece of bad wiring, it has stuck with you. However, when a client is very relaxed, as when undergoing hypnosis, it is possible to explore what those associations are, learn how to control physical sensations, and free yourself from feeling the fear - and the fear of fear!
appointments and fees
Appointments are 1hr duration, bookable for Mondays at Manor Lane Complementary Health Centre 12pm to 8pm. From Tuesday to Friday in Bridport, online and telephone appointments are available 10am-7pm.
Fees: Bridport in-person and online sessions: 1st. session £35 only, subsequent sessions £50.
Manor Lane Complementary Health Centre: £60 in-person