Nutrition and mental health

Improve your health – Enhance your life
If you’re looking for deeper, sustainable changes to your nutrition, you’ve come to the right place. Extensive research confirms that what we eat has a powerful impact on our health and wellbeing. For example a poor diet can exacerbate depression or anxiety. Physical symptoms such as fatigue and exhaustion equally cause a negative psychological effect. As a qualified Nutritionist, Counsellor and Life Coach, we can explore both physical and emotional health impacts. Changes to your diet are a powerful act of self-care and one that will be beneficial not just to your physical health but your mental health too. (For research and resource suggestions see below)
What is Nutritional Psychotherapy?
The food you eat is enmeshed in your habits, lifestyle and relationships. The synergy of a nutritional psychotherapy approach is that we can look at both the psychological drivers behind current behaviours, as well as practical steps to create the changes to diet you desire. For example, we would explore the patterns and habits of your eating. Equally, we will explore what you eat. Ultimately, this leaves you in a place where you have clear dietary plans and ways to embed them in your current lifestyle.
What would happen at a first session?
At the first session/assessment we would explore your goals or what you would like to get out of the sessions. We would explore your medical history and current diet and lifestyle. Specific needs will be considered such as: food intolerances, hormonal disorders, thyroid conditions, weight gain or loss and ageing well.
What is the process?
Often when it comes to sustaining change, small changes can be powerful and incremental. We will explore every aspect both practical and emotional, from how you shop, to who cooks for whom. We will explore how to changes aspects of your life to enable a better life/work balance. In continuing sessions we will include life coaching skills to improve motivation and sustain the changes you have made.
appointments and fees
Appointments are 1hr duration, bookable for Mondays at Manor Lane Complementary Health Centre 12pm to 8pm, and from Tuesday to Friday in Bridport. Online and telephone appointments are available 10am-7pm.
Fees: Bridport in-person and online sessions: £60.
Manor Lane Complementary Health Centre: £60 in-person only